There are three rebels in the Maratha group. The rebels in the Maratha group share the same unit roster as the Maratha Confederacy. Revolution vs Hungary, establishes/reinstates Hungary vs foreign occupierīarbary group French group Great Britain group Maratha group Revolution vs Austria, reinstates Austria vs foreign occupier The rebels in the Austria group share the unit roster of Austria except the Hungarian Grenadiers unit. Rebel groups American Indians group Austria group Pirates are a separate faction, but share some similarities to Rebels mainly the fact that they are at war with everyone. Rebellions that occur in the home region of a faction is instead called a Revolution, which come with extra caveats. Should this army take the capital, the region becomes a new and independent faction.

If a rebellion occurs in certain regions, then a nationalist army spawns instead of a regular one.

Rebel regions that are subdued gain the same +6 increase to public order, diminishing at the same rate. Rebels cannot invade other regions from their region. Rebel regions can be invaded by any faction and are hostile to all factions they cannot be negotiated or traded with. On the other hand, if a rebel army successful takes a town, then the town becomes a rebel region. Therefore, allowing a region to rebel and then destroying the rebels is a good way of making it manageable. If a rebellion is destroyed, the region gets a +6 increase to public order due to the crackdown, diminishing at a rate of one per turn. Trapping a weakened rebel army in a corner of a region effectively prevents the region from rebelling again. While a rebellion is happening, another rebellion cannot occur, nor can riots or strikes. Rebel armies that are not destroyed quickly gradually gain more units over time. Rebel armies attempt to take over capitals of regions if the A.I determines that the capital of a region is too well defended, rebel armies roam the countryside instead, damaging towns. However, larger and more populous regions (such as France or England) can spawn large and highly dangerous rebel armies. Rebel armies tend to be poorly equipped, consisting largely of militia units or mobs. Rebellions take the form of armies that are hostile to all factions hence, any faction can fight them, not just the faction the rebellion was aimed against.

On the third turn, a rebellion breaks out. On the second turn, the people riot, severely damaging one building in the region (if there is one to be damaged). On the first turn, the player is notified of unrest: lower classes go on strike and/or upper classes write a letter of demands to the government. A rebellion occurs when a region has negative public order in either upper and/or lower classes for three turns in a row.