This tutorial will focus on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019. You will need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as IntelliJ or Eclipse to read or create class files.
A few Java tutorials to try are w3schools (web and mobile), SoloLearn (web and mobile), and kodevelopment(web). Class files are specific to the Java programming language.Minecraft mods consist of jar files (example: yournewmod.jar) which contain class files, JSON files, and image files, to name a few of the most common. In any case, this guide will eventually cover only the most basic elements of creating an item and creating an entity (a moving thing like a villager, sheep, zombie, etc.), and distributing the resulting mod package. Or perhaps you want to 'fork' a favorite mod to update for newer versions of Minecraft. Or look into how to make a resource pack if you simply want to customize textures (colors and designs), models, music, sounds, languages, splashes, fonts, or the end poem. If you simply want to add custom advancements, functions, loot tables, structures, recipes or tags to your game, look into how to make a Data pack, which does not require programming. Presumably, you already have an idea for a mod you want to create. Mods (short for 'modifications') can modify or add items, blocks, entities, and much more. 3.3.1 Custom Layers over Vanilla Textures.There sure are a lot of choices when it comes to Minecraft mods, and it can be a little overwhelming. The mechanics for the weapons are nice to use, the boss fights are challenging but not impossible, and the mod overall just feels nice to playthrough and super fun to advance in Orespawn has a fantastic amount of polish that really completes the mod.It’s Minecraft pushed to its limits and its awesome Multiple dragon boss fights, dozens of new ores, hundreds of new pieces of gear, and hundreds of new mobs both peaceful and hostile. Orespawn is great because of how it takes every great aspect of Minecraft and pumps it up to the extreme.Orespawn has been chosen for the number one mod because out of all the other mod, this is the one that most adds on to every aspect of Minecraft and does so in a really impressive and fun way Break all blocks in an area, steal life, deal absurd amounts of damage, you can make the tool of your dreams that's customized to your exact desires Tinkers Construct also allows you to modify your tools to do great things.And all throughout there's a really satisfying sense of progression as you advance to another upgrade Tinkers Construct has hundreds upon hundreds of new tools to choose from, the variation is insane.How Tinkers Construct Makes the Game More Fun: No other mod allows you to fully customize your tools as this one can and some of the late-game tools you can unlock are insane Tinkers Construct is without a doubt the most in-depth tool customization mod.